Promoting quality and safety in the European fruit juice market

Our mission is to promote the quality and safety of fruit juice and maintain fair competition for fruit juice. We support innovative ideas, while the Quality Juice Award is an honor of the best projects in the fruit juice industry.

Apply for the Quality Juice Award 2024 now!

The Quality Juice Foundation (QJF) was founded in 2009

The objectives of the Foundation consist both in directly promoting the quality and safety of fruit juices and of fair competition for fruit drinks, and to promote in co-operation with the public and private sector public healthcare, fair competition and consumer protection, as well as organising the procurement of the means to promote the stated objectives.

The Foundation pursues its objectives particularly by

  • organising, conducting and promoting symposiums and suitable training courses for quality managers in the fruit juice industry, consumers and the trade press;
  • promoting public and private projects and measures in terms of the Foundation purpose;
  • supporting research projects to improve instruments for quality assurance, together with the development and testing of suitable technologies;
  • donating and awarding a prize to persons who have rendered outstanding services to nonfermenting fruit processing.

Objectives of the Foundation

The objectives of the Foundation consist both in directly promoting the quality and safety of fruit juices and of fair competition for fruit drinks, and to promote in co-operation with the public and private sector public healthcare, fair competition and consumer protection, as well as organising the procurement of the means to promote the stated objectives.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee carries out the business of the Foundation in the context of the Statutes and the decisions of the Foundation Advisory Board.

Carlos Abboud, President


Steen Poulsen, Vice President


Jürgen Rauch


Dr. Franz-Michael Rouwen


Advisory Board

The tasks of the Foundation Advisory Board include in particular:

  • appointing and dismissing members of the Executive Committee
  • accepting the annual accounts with the statement of assets and liabilities and the report on fulfilment of the Foundation purpose
  • formal approval of the Executive Committee
  • taking decisions to change the Statutes
  • decisions to merge with another Foundation
  • decisions on the amendment or the extension of the Foundation objectives and to dissolve the Foundation.

Dr. Karl Neuhäuser, Chairman


Dirk Schweikert


Dr. Joachim Tretzel, Vice Chairman and Financial Auditor


Quality Juice Award

Learn more about our eventful history and our dedicated commitment to our members and the entire fruit juice industry

Quality Juice Award

Our work goes further

Our projects promote the quality and safety of fruit juice and fair competition for fruit juice. We support innovative ideas.


Support Innovation 

With a donation to the Foundation you help us to care for the quality and healthy image of fruit and vegetable juices.

Learn more

Questions or ideas?

You have questions to our work, our projects or the Quality Juice Award? Don‘t hesitate to contact us!
